Last Friday, we were present at the handover of the funding decision and the presentation of the pilot project for the elimination of trace substances from the Zahnen Technik GmbH for the Speyer wastewater treatment plant at Entsorgungsbetriebe Speyer (EBS) and the Stadtwerke Speyer GmbH (SWS) as a guest. On site were Rhineland-Palatinate Minister of the Environment Katrin Eder, Councillor of the City of Speyer Irmgard MΓΌnch-Weinmann, Member of the State Parliament Michael Wagner and several members of the EBS Works Committee. Our project partners EBS and SWS were represented by plant manager JΓΌrgen WΓΆlle and Managing Director Wolfgang BΓΌhring, who gratefully accepted the funding from the state. Entsorgungsbetriebe Speyer and Stadtwerke Speyer are important partners for us, as our test plant is being set up and expanded on the site of the Speyer wastewater treatment plant. In addition to issues relating to the approval and upgrading of the test plant, we are in close contact with EBS and SWS regarding the supply of raw materials and the processing of strategic issues relating to the Speyer site. We also had the opportunity to briefly present our project and make further contacts. As a young start-up that focuses on municipal cooperation and networking, events like this and the constant exchange with partners are essential in order to expand a competence network that can be used for future endeavors. Thank you for that!
be green. be bhyo. π±π³π
1TP5Hydrogen #biomass #startup #climate #greenenergy