Our technology.
Bhyo hydrogen technology is a process for the production of organic hydrogen from locally produced biogenic residues in an efficient, modular process capable of meeting base load requirements.
What does organic hydrogen mean?
"Organic hydrogen" is a term we have developed. It refers to hydrogen that is produced from biomass and has a CO2-negative balance. The concept thus goes beyond the existing color theory for hydrogen - green, blue, grey, etc. - by symbolizing an even more environmentally friendly way of producing hydrogen.
What does biogenic waste mean?
This is any biomass that is a by-product of natural processes
This includes:
- Sewage sludge
- Organic waste
- Harvest residues
- Fermentation residues
- Green waste
High-temperature gasification process.
The high-temperature gasification process is a special conversion process. In this process, biomass is broken down into its components in a heated sand bed. This process leads to the production of pure synthesis gas.
Hybrid process.
A patent was granted for the development of a hybrid process that combines the advantages of autothermal and allothermal gasification and avoids their disadvantages. Due to this innovative combination, the process was given the name bhyo hydrogen technology.
For municipalities with just under 100,000 inhabitants
One plant (BH100) produces 800 tons of hydrogen per year, which is enough for:
5,000 cars
350 trucks
25 moves
Additional added value
(in addition to hydrogen):
District heating
The modular design of the core technology makes it flexibly adaptable to:
Biomass supply
Hydrogen demand
Our technology.
The bhyo plant is an innovative model designed to recover valuable resources from biogenic residues. Using our advanced technology, biomass is first processed into pellets in a drying process. These pellets are then used as feedstock in our plant to produce hydrogen, CO2, phosphate and heat through thermo-chemical conversion.
Heating in the reformer room.
- High tar formation
- Low degree of purity in the process gas
Indirectly via heat exchanger.
- High space requirement
- Low controllability
Patented technology.
- Little space required
- High controllability
- Pure process gas
Patent & test procedure.
Our plant is protected by patents that safeguard the unique process of our technology. In order to continuously improve our technology, we regularly carry out test runs in which different types of biomass and operating parameters are tested to optimize the efficiency and performance of the plant.
Modular system design.
Input flexibility .
Economic efficiency.
High controllability.
Proof of concept.
Patented process.
Development to date.
The development of our technology has made significant progress in recent years. Since the design and initial construction of the industry-standard plants, we have carried out various tests with numerous biogenic materials, which has enabled us to constantly improve and adapt our processes. Our development to date is the basis for the future, in which we will continue to optimize our plants and prepare them for broader market availability.
CO2 avoidance
13,000 t/a
+ CO2 reduction
22,000 t/a
= CO2 savings
35,000 t/a
Forest area.
Soccer fields.
The procedure in our plant is a continuous process that converts biogenic residues into sustainable energy. The biomass goes through several steps: first it is processed into pellets by drying, then it is fed into the plant, where the pellets are broken down into their components - hydrogen, CO2, phosphate and usable waste heat.
Decentralized biomass logistics
Added value
Our joint project supports the German government's climate targets up to 2045 by researching decentralized hydrogen production from biogenic residues with our bhyo hydrogen technology.