The bhyo way means creating sustainable and social added value through holistic, municipal energy projects.
Service & operation.
Service & operation.
Regional infrastructure.
Regional infrastructure.
Nature & climate protection.
Nature & climate protection.
The project model.
Our model explains.
The bhyo Way is our unique model for involving local authorities in the transition to sustainable energy. It all starts with the kick-off, where the framework conditions are defined after the order is received. We lay the foundations for our project by defining the framework with all those involved, including the municipality.
With the transition to the development phase, we set up a project company, secure the backing of investors and start the search for strategic partners. This phase serves to establish and plan project mechanisms that are essential for success.
This is followed by the construction phase, in which both the autonomous infrastructure and the actual plant take shape. In addition, we promote the skills of all participants through practice-oriented workshops.
Finally, we achieve the go-live, the supervised start-up phase leads to a smooth transition to autonomous hydrogen production. Autonomy here means that the community can handle the plant independently and shape a sustainable future.
- Incoming orders
- Definition of the framework conditions
- Stakeholder workshop
- Foundation of project company
- Securing investors
- Search for partners
- Development of autonomous infrastructure
- Planning & construction of the system
- Project workshops
- Supervised start-up phase
- Self-sufficient hydrogen production
- Regional integration
Self-sufficiency and sustainability for municipalities.
At bhyo, we strive to support every community on its path to self-sufficiency. Our approach makes it possible to use own resources efficiently and creates a system in which products and materials are reused in a cycle - this is our interpretation of circular economy. We firmly believe that acting ecologically is not only good for the environment, but also makes economic sense. By doing good, we remain economically successful.
Our services.
To realize these benefits, we offer the following services: We provide comprehensive advice on the opportunities and potential for your municipality. In addition, we are experts in the development of systems and infrastructure and help with the design of sustainability concepts. Even after implementation, we remain at your side with our service and maintenance.
What does that mean for us?
Sustainability through decentralized thinking and efficient use of resources.
At bhyo, everything is geared towards how we can shape our environment and our future. For us, decentralized thinking means using the strengths of local cycles and communities. Acting flexibly means reacting quickly and thoughtfully to changes. Efficiently utilizing resources requires us not to waste valuable materials, but to reuse them skillfully.
We are convinced that only a holistic approach to development can ensure long-term success - which is why we look beyond the end of our nose and take all factors into account. Acting sustainably and responsibly is our promise to the future - not just words, but the premises by which we live and work every day.
This is The bhyo Way - our path to a future worth living.